Ultra Endurance

TransAtanticWay Race Journal

Day 9 - "The Last Mile"

Distance: 169.52km

Moving Time: 9:37:09

Elevation Gain: 2,147m

On the final day of the race, I woke up with just 3 hours of sleep, but surprisingly, my body felt well-rested. As I set out towards the finish line, I was fueled by caffeine pills, and the first boost of the day came in the form of a sign and a box for the athletes, offering water and gummy bears. The replenishing snacks were much-needed as I refilled my bottles and grabbed a handful of gummies to eat.

As I cycled towards Mizen Head, I was greeted with a beautiful morning, complete with a chill in the air and a slight fog. However, as the day progressed, the temperature rose, and I found myself stopping at a petrol station to buy a bag of ice to cool down my burning feet. Despite this setback, I was determined to keep going, and the stunning coastal views provided a much-needed boost.

After reaching Kinsale, I was only 25km away from the finish line in Cork City. However, I knew that this last section of the course was going to be tough, with brutal, unrelenting hills leading away from the flat main road. The back roads were steep and challenging, but I pushed through, determined to reach the finish line. As the sun began to set, I stopped to capture a beautiful photo of the sky, reflecting on the amazing experience of the past eight days.

The final stretch was emotional as I approached the finish line, greeted by my friend who had arrived just 20 minutes before me. Crossing the finish line was an incredible feeling, and my boyfriend was there to give me a warm hug, making the entire journey worth it.

While the TransAtlanticWay was undoubtedly a grueling physical challenge, it was also a mental and emotional one. As I reflect on the past 8 days, I realize that it was an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. The race pushed me to my limits, and at times, I wasn't sure if I could keep going. But every time I wanted to give up, I reminded myself of the stunning beauty around me and the sense of accomplishment that awaited me at the finish line.